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How Wraeyilan timelines work.

How Wraeyilan timelines work.


Wraeyilan Period #


Every period is 999,000 years, but use a “.” instead of “,” for my personal preference.

178,568 = 178.568


Second you highlight the continent.

List: Area Minas Terra, Area Adromango, Area Deminger, Area Eldester



So let’s combine what we have so far:

Example: WP1 AA 178.568

(Wraeyilan Period) (Area Continent) (Year of Period)

This is basic Wraeyilan Dating method.


More advanced users might use secondary dating method:

Example: WP1 AA ⅙ 178.568 ¼

(Wraeyilan Period) (Area Continent) (Region of the Continent) (Year of period) (Event)

Total number of regions per continent:


Minas Terra: 12, Adromango 6, Deminger 4, Eldester 8


Last dating method is the continent dating method:

WP1 AA 4/6 178.568 4/6 Kirtane Valley Kirtane

(Wraeyilan Period) (Area Continent) (Region of the Continent) (Year of period) (Event) (Area in Region of the Continent) (Country if it is a country/empire [This is optional]) (City/Town/Small Location)


Most continents / countries don't realise that there are Wraeyilan Periods and most continents have a unique way to date there events.

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